sobota, 24. junij 2006
Otvoritev naše planinske koče v soboto, 24. junija 2006
Na prireditev so vabljeni vsi planinci, ljubitelji planinstva in narave, s čemer boste počastili ta pomemben dogodek za celjsko planinstvo!
Začelo se bo ob 11 uri na naši koči. Svečani in za naše društvo izjemno pomemben dogodek bo popestril kulturni program in predstavitev vsega, kar smo v zadnjih letih postorili za dobrobit celjskega in slovenskega planinstva.
Vsi člani in članice s plačano članarino za tekoče leto boste pogosteni s pravim planinskim golažem.
Po uradnem delu in malici sledi družabnost z ansamblom Iskrice.
configuration, system maintenance, and DNS as well as web services, file sharing, network client management, e-mail services, 650-179 dumps system security and troubleshooting.LPIC-3 (Senior Level Linux Certification): Prerequisite: LPIC-2, where any single exam in the 300 series qualifies a person for Level 3 certification. To obtain this advanced Linux credential, 642-885 dumps candidates need to pass 3 exams.LPI certification program is perfect for IT professionals need in-depth yet vendor neutral Linux certification. LPIC levels ensure vendor- and distribution-neutral coverage of Linux topics, tools and technologies, and are highly valued by 642-883 dumps employers.Red Hat Linux certifications are a top choice for candidates interested in a platform-focused approach 3COM 3M0-600 Exam to Linux. These Linux certifications are a natural choice to those who already hold other Red Hat credentials –or are confident of their career with companies using Red Hat technologies. Red Hat Linux Certification Path also includes 642-832 dumps 3 levels.Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator (RHCSA) validates essential skills in handling files, working at the command line, and using system documentation, 642-874 dumps along with managing systems (boot-up, identifying processes, start/stop virtual machines, controlling systems), configuring storage partitions and logical volumes, and more.Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE): validates the skills and knowledge necessary to work as a senior level Linux system administrator.